Serology Make An Appointment Aso Titre (Aslo) Rs. 400 C-Reactive Protein (Crp) Rs. 350 HCV (Card Test) Rs. 450 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Hbsag) (Card) Rs. 150 HIV 1 & 2 Rs. 350 VDRL Rs. 250 Weil Felix Test Rs. 450 Widal Rs. 150 Dengue Igm Rs. 500 Elisa Hbsag Rs. 350 Hbv Dna Quantitative Rs. 6500 Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen (Hbeag) Rs. 1500 Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv-Elisa) Rs. 1100 Hepatitis Core Antibody Igm (Anti Hbc - Igm) Rs. 1500 Syphilis Rapid Test Rs. 250 Dengue Ns1 Antigen Rapid Method Rs. 400 Leptospira Antibody -Igg Adn Igm Rs. 800 Rubella Igg And Igm Rs. 2000 Syphilis Card Test Rs. 250 Anti Hav Igg (Cmia) Rs. 1500 Anti Hav Igm Rs. 1000 Anti Hev Igg And Igm Rs. 2000 Chikungunya Igm Rs. 1400 Echinocococcus Antibody Igg Rs. 1700 Rubella Igm Rs. 1000 Serum Gastrin Rs. 2600